Pressing Forward
Delivered By
Rev. Dr. Stephen R. Melton
Delivered On
May 7, 2023
Central Passage
Philippians 3: 4b-14

Motorcyclists can teach us a thing or two about faith. When riding a motorcycle, the wisest thing to do is to keep your eyes glued forward. Avoid staring off into the distance. Don’t focus your attention on what’s right in front of the wheel. And never turn around and look at the past.

As Christians, our goal is the upward calling of serving Christ Jesus. We can easily forget that and get distracted by things which can bring us down. Keep our attention on all the things which make up the Kingdom of Heaven. Knee-jerk reactions and even immediate needs can derail us if we assume they are more important than being loving and just. Let go of past failures. Move forward believing God will take care of us.